Profitability Calculator


The Profitability Calculator helps firms set billing target for Timekeepers based on its operational costs and projected growth. Create billing targets for individual timekeepers, teams, practice groups, or the entire firm. Create a sample Profitability Calculator by anwsering the questions below.

For security reasons, responses are not stored.

I. Immigration Group Size

Select Timekeeper Category

II. Corporate Office Overhead

1) Does your firm apply an annual corporate overhead for each employee?

2) Does your firm apply an annual headcount cost for each Timekeeper?

3) What is your firm's profitability expectation for each employee (as a % of the employee cost to the firm)?

III. Local Office Overhead

1) Does your local office apply an overhead?

2) Non-Billing Staff Cost Distribution

IV. Employee Benefits and Annual Salary

1) Employee benefits as a percentage of the Timekeeper's salary (medical, parking, and other benefits)

2) Timekeeper's annual salary: